On Friday morning a female named Elizabeth Berry, the wife of a private in the Grenadier Guards, who fought in the Crimea, and is now stationed at Aldershot, was found dead in the room she occupied, at No. 7, White Hart-court, Castle-street, Leicester-square, under circumstances which left no doubt that she had committed suicide. It appears that out of 11 soldiers’ wives appointed by the authorities to accompany their husbands, for the purpose of attending to the wounded, deceased was one. She was there eleven months, and it was supposed that the scenes she had been witness to had affected her mind. She was of abstemious habits. On Friday morning, not having as usual been seen, her room door was opened, when she was discovered lying on the bed with her clothes on, and a paper on the table marked “oxalic acid,” and a cup also in which the dregs of that poison remained.