Demographic ageing is now clearly evident not only in high-income nations but also in most low-and-middle-income countries (LMIC) in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and Africa. This chapter examines the patterns and challenges of ageing in LMICs, often especially evident in rural communities. It then analyses empirical data from Ghana to demonstrate the complex associations between social capital (SC) and health literacy (HL) and their implications for health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of older persons in rural LMICs. The maintenance of health is often a challenge for many older persons but, for those in rural LMICs, it can be enormous. Rural health problems are frequently exacerbated by poor access to health facilities. Geriatric services are often scarce in urban areas and particularly in rural areas of LMICs. The chapter examines the moderating role of three of SC proxies on the relations between HL and HRQoL of older persons in rural Ghana.