This chapter describes the use of biological audiovisual materials found on the Internet, used in the application of bioinspired design analogies and to acquire alternative design methods and transversal competences in the ambits of documentary research and improvement of communication skills. Digital web material is effective in showing design in nature, and presents itself mainly in the form of short videos accompanied by photographic material, illustrations, or texts that explain the phenomena of living beings.

Digital learning materials used in the classroom show examples of bioinspiration, in the sense that they present a creative design method via analogies found in digital sources. The objective of this is twofold: first, to achieve the WOW effect, capturing the attention of the students and generating fascination; second, to learn from the analysis-synthesis relationship, where the observation of digital materials leads to useful conclusions in the synthesis of ideas and design concepts. Students are able to use digital materials to make their own design projects that are evaluated via a specifically designed rubric.