In the last 50 years, a period in which the human population doubled, there is compelling evidence that biodiversity has declined globally. Human activities such as land conversion for agriculture and overexploitation of the oceans have placed pressure on ecosystems, species and the genetic diversity of many plants and animals. Between 1970 and 2016, an average decline of 68% was measured in populations of vertebrate species and currently an estimated one million species are at risk of extinction. Although the drivers of decline in the natural world are well known and activities to conserve biodiversity have increased, this has not been sufficient to slow the rate of change. Whilst the statistics are stark and the problem a global one, there are many ways to tackle this issue and a need for action from governments, industry and society as a whole. Education to aid biodiversity conservation can take many forms, from formal education in classrooms to informal education and public outreach. Given the picture of catastrophic biodiversity loss, it is vital to provide people with effective tools to address this issue in their own everyday life, e.g. reduce use of plastics, recycling, sustainable consumer choices, as well as to provide the facts to civil movements calling for wide-ranging policy change, such as Extinction Rebellion. In an increasingly urbanised world, connecting people to nature greatly depends on engaging individuals to evaluate their role in our ecosystems.