The events of the recent economic crisis proved the existence of serious problems within the European Union´s Member States economies, justifying the question about the influence of the international environment on the prospects of the Polish situation. Although the economic conditions of the Slavic country, comparing to other European States, have not been strongly affected by the global financial crisis and the subsequent debt crisis within the EU, it caused some institutional changes in relation to its membership to the European community.

The main purpose of this chapter is to place the debate on the analysis of the extension of those changes that have been taken in Poland since 1989, especially in terms of banking sector modifications. Also, to study the correlation of these institutional facts with the possible evolution of aggregate demand and the transformations of the growth model.

Thus, in the first place, we will seek to study the historical perspective of the banking sector institutional arrangements and its adaptation to the new environment, considering the systemic transformation and its different stages. Afterwards, the effects of the Polish accession to the EU and the latest economic crisis will be taken into account as additional historical events within the framework of this course of adjustment. Finally, we will provide some appointments about the country's welfare and growth model in terms of the extended content.