Life after the pronounced death of postmodernism will not differ that much. The relevant aesthetics, which pervaded the postmodern world, including non-linear thinking, reflecting multiple realities, bricolage, and the like, are still present in both theory and as an art of making. Yet something has happened. The beginning of the cyber age followed close on the transition from the modern to the postmodern era, designing, as it were, a parallel universe. While postmodernity has had its day, cyber-culture expands with increasing speed, touching all fields of knowledge. Nevertheless, attention was given in particular to critical theory, problematizing the dangerous aspects, criminal acts, hacker mentality, cyberbullying and more. Modernity was turned down by the opposing attitude of postmodernism, but the present state-of-the-art modernity should be called cyber-postmodernism, or rather cyber-modernism: if postmodernism was a paradise for anything goes, this paradise is lost by now.