Nietzsche and Heidegger are the philosophers who made possible the postmodern philosophy and thinking. They did this especially by Nietzsche’s (1974) declaration of the death of God and Heidegger′s declaration of the end of metaphysics. Declarations means that there is no more metaphysical or transcendental ground for our being and thinking, there is no more absolute truth. Vattimo (1988) claims that the perspective of weak thought or perspective of postmodern is that we must accept the uncertainty, and discontinuity as a ground of our own permanent being. The postmodern philosophy is not some period of the history of philosophy which can be left behind and to move to the next more developed phase. The reason for this is the idea of modernity itself. The idea of new and endless development is the inventions of modernity and postmodern makes this ideas questionable. According to postmodernism all our ‘new’ thinking is now in some form the repetition of the old, which has been new. Lyotard describes this by saying that a work can become modern only if it is first postmodern (Lyotard, 2017). There is no ultimate truth because the ground has vanished or at least weakening and so the truth is only oscillation between truth and untruth.