What comes after postmodernism? Entropy. The second law of thermodynamics states that the universe is always geared toward high entropy, that is, toward greater disorder than order. The same is true in the progression of philosophical thoughts, practices, and Weltanschauung. From the apparent preference for objectivity and absolute truth as characterized by the obsession on the eternal forms and the universals of the Antiquity, which led to the various ‘-isms’ of the Middle Ages, and necessitated the quest for certainty and truth of the Modern period, whether it be in terms of religion, science, reason, politics, human nature, and whatnot, the thoughts, worldviews, and practices of the past century can be described as replete with diversity, relativity, and skepticism, which is, thus far, the highest point of Postmodernity. ‘Postmodern philosophy emphasizes the elusiveness of meaning and knowledge. This is often expressed in postmodern art as a concern with representation and an ironic self-awareness …’ (Kirby, 2017, par. 3).