The Academy seems to operate with a swarm consciousness; suddenly we find ourselves on a new landscape laden with new percepts and affects to be deciphered as signs, as Deleuze and Guattari might argue; an emergent ‘structure of feeling,’ to follow Raymond Williams or ‘cultural dominant’ in Fred Jameson’s view, where this acephalous flow of energy takes another flight in yet another direction. The collective ‘we,’ across the spectrum of political, queer, gendered, racial, disability, and neuro-normativity concerns, moves from one ‘turn’ to another: from the ‘linguistic turn’ to now the ‘affective turn,’ bringing with it the conflicted claims within new materialism, object orientated ontologies (OOO), ‘accelerationism,’ and another slough of posts: post-qualitative research, post feminist, postcolonialism and so on, that ends with the importance of speculative quantum physics, along with technogenesis thrown into this heterogeneous mix. A third-wave of cybernetics has now shaped what is an ‘algorithmic governmentality.’ What sort of assemblage is operating here, now in the twenty-first century?