Manifest in this writing experiment is a proposition that traversing theoretical dispositions as a new infinity (nod to Deleuze, 1994) brings our attention to the qualification of vibrancy, or as DeLanda (2016) suggests, possibility spaces, where active exchange is a mediation of ‘something else’. As a sequel of PoMo, and a prelude to ‘that which remains undefined’, we may embark on the ruptures of past traditions, entering open, organic systems of thought as unbound encounters, where the resonance of our many networks of thinking-relations are mapped in the intervals of the conjunctive and, after-and-before. This circulation of ideas forms intensities that arc across theoretical trajectories in ways that were once regarded as irreconcilable differences between silos of thought. New sensibilities and configurations suggest ‘what comes after’ could reside in ambiguity as an expression of logic, and immediacy as a situated condition, where we are productively engaged in continuous conversations as a streaming of intellectual engagement.