Before burying philosophical postmodernism, let me briefly appreciate its important contributions: its emphasis on human voices and human subjectivities—however, disagreeable, incomprehensible, inconsistent and irrational they may be partially or fully—and its great efforts to make sense of the Other’s consciousness by grounding it within the Other’s ontology yet, without sliding into a deficit model. ‘Consciousness of the Other is opaque and non-transparent,’ says postmodernism. Amen. I appreciate postmodernism for its rejection of Grand Narratives with their objectifying bird’s/God’s eye’s views. Bravo for your struggles against Old Premodernism, Modernism, and Neo-Premodernism (Matusov, 2015) of social engineering powerfully re-emerging in our time of fake news and ‘managed democracies1.’ Finally yet importantly, thank you, postmodernism, for your tireless deconstruction of any power, including your own.