It is intended in this chapter to examine to what extent the introduction of intra-party democracy norms impacts on party elites’ profile. We chose PASOK as a case study, since the party undertook an internal reform in 2004, by implementing models of participatory democracy in the whole party life, covering crucial aspects like leader and candidates selection. More specifically, we attempt to explore to what extent the implementation of participatory models into party structure influences the sociodemographic and political profile of socialist MPs during the period 2004–09.

Our research combines quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data on socialist parliamentary group during three parliamentary terms – in 2004, 2007, and 2009–are used to determine the eventual changes that occurred in PASOK office holders’ profile during that period and to compare it with traditional sociodemographic and political profiles of socialist MPs. Furthermore, research based on official party documents and on interviews conducted with party officials helps us to propose a comprehensive interpretation concerning the overall limited changes that occurred in PASOK elites’ reproduction patterns.