In Chapter 11, the reader is provided with a broader organization context perspective, as the author offers an overview of the considerations in “Adapting Other Internal Organizational Resources to a Neurodiverse Workforce.” The author sets the context for this chapter in the framing of the distinctions between the “medical model” of disability which has focused on the physical impairment at the individual level, and the “social model” of disability. This framing is currently imbedded in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities of 2006. The social model of disability says that disability is caused by the way society and the environment are organized and the barriers that this poses in limiting the choices that the individual has and their ability to fully function in the world. Neurodiversity researchers advocate a paradigm that treats neurodiversity more from the social model, seeing it not as a deficit, but rather a natural variation in strengths and weaknesses that bestows talents as well as struggle.