For the ideal Synagogue is only symbolised by the visible fabric of brick and stone. The men and women of the ideal Synagogue will see that it is broad-based upon peace and brotherly love. The friendly aspect they show to the world will but mirror the kindly feeling for each other that reigns in their own hearts. All readers' the efforts after the establishment of the goodly Synagogue—their fine House of Prayer, their devoutness, their religious school—all will be useless if dissension rend the reader asunder. But the Synagogue is something else besides a House of Prayer. For the ideal House of Prayer is one in which the worshipper’s heart is steeped in pious feeling, which, outlasting itself, overflows into the daily life and sanctifies it. Every congregation has a double character. It has two spheres of action—the Synagogue and the World. In each of these spheres the ideal congregation will shine resplendent.