The one subject of interest for men and women at the present moment is the war; the one subject of interest for Jews always is, or ought to be, Religion. For more than three years people have been the breathless, the agonized spectators of a world-tragedy. And not spectators of it only, but sharers in it. For the effort to vindicate God when life seems to arraign Him, an effort always only partially successful at best, is superfluous. It has never changed a sceptic into a believer. The approach to the Highest is by way of the spirit, not of the intellect. Those who would be sure of Him, of His rectitude and His love, must assume them as the unimpeachable postulates, though life, “red in tooth and claw, shrieks against the creed.” There are people whose religion the war has not touched, simply because they have virtually no religion; they have never brought religion into relation with their lives.