According to the old Apostolic idea the recreant Christian, who has “tasted the good word,” and “fallen away,” crucifies his Lord afresh, and “puts Him to open shame.” The Gospel of Peace and Goodwill, which he claimed to have been divinely chosen to preach, has been flouted, derided, falsified by its plighted adherents. In thousands of churches they are rehearsing the story of the Nativity, with its account of the angelic choir who sing their promise of a glorious era about to dawn on a sorrowing world. On the contrary, the lapse of nineteen centuries finds mankind not at peace, but at war; not the gospel of love, but the gospel of hate dominates the world. Christmas Day, which should be the festival of peace and goodwill, falls in a time of general carnage and rapine; the birthday of the Master becomes a day of mourning at his murder.