International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)-Mexico, formerly known as Mexican Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, was one of the first Latin-American IPPNW affiliates to be formed just after IPPNW´s creation. IPPNW evolved from a two-leader center-directed group into a more horizontal organization with a democratic structure. With the structural changes the Executive Committee of IPPNW created a position for student representation for the first time and three students were elected: Lolit Suplido from the Philippines, Kurt Hanevick from Norway and Jans Fromow-Guerra from Mexico. The efforts of IPPNW and ICAN brought the unexpected and essential creation of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – the Ban Treaty – to the United Nations in 2017. There are many tasks to be done as an IPPNW affiliate and collaborating member of International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons.