Regionalism as a vehicle for tackling African development challenges and cooperation is not a new phenomenon in Africa; for instance, the East African Community (EAC) existed before the independence era. Regionalism as a vehicle for tackling African development challenges and cooperation is not a new phenomenon in Africa; for instance, the East African Community (EAC) existed before the independence era. The organisation was a compromise between various overlapping ideological blocs in the continent. The various ideological strands that coalesced to form the organisation became its main challenge as the organisation was bedevilled by a myriad of orientations. The African Union (AU) established many agencies towards the achievements of this goal of promoting African unity and strengthening and improving the security situations in Africa; these were created out of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) and include African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), a Continental Early Warning System (CEWS) and an African Standby Force (ASF).