The trajectory of Digital Fabrication in Interior Design: Body, Object, Enclosure engages the effects of technology's poetics and pragmatics on style, materiality, formal language and spatial concepts. Embedded electromechanical systems within the body of a panel enable directed communication based on relationship of material mass, biofeedback and sensed human brainwave. In the century-long process of humankind humanizing nature, the power of our technology has asserted control over natural systems, and is finally reaching a breaking point. Drawing connections between human occupancy, engagement, perception and physiological well-being, the intention is to design spaces tightly linked to the creation of biosynthetic or naturalized environments that more diversely shape our collective experiences within small-scale enclosures. Enclosures could operate just like living systems, change color and self-regulate temperature while balancing human and environmental needs. Enclosure might care about overstimulation or understimulation of human sensory experiences, and can relate to aesthetics of spatial experience.