Any analysis of modern Jewish survival and solidarity must perforce include Nahum Goldmann, called at various times the quintessential Diaspora man, Jewish ambassador-at-large, wandering Jew. While a political maverick who possessed nine passports, Goldmann achieved much as president of both the World Jewish Congress and the World Zionist Organization, as the initiator of German reparations to Israel, as President of the Claims Conference, of the Conference of Jewish Organizations, and of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, among others. The Balfour Declaration, followed by League of Nations’ sanction of a British mandate over Palestine and the establishment of a Jewish Agency to aid in creating a Jewish National Home there, signalled Great Britain’s open support for Zionist dreams. In an unprecedented step, Lenin’s new Soviet regime declared anti-Semitism to be a capital crime. The Weimar Constitution assured Jews full integration in Germany as first-class citizens.