In this chapter, we present the interest young people have shown to face the environmental crisis in which we find ourselves. From a perspective of the ethics of care in a multi-species world, we will present the phenomenon of “Fridays for Future” the school strikes proposal made by activist Greta Thunberg and her impact on young people, and specifically how this movement has developed in Mexico. We will also mention the way young people have participated at the international conferences of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). The chapter will recount these conventions, the spaces of participation that the Secretariat has provided for them from 2002 to 2019, as well as those spaces that they have appropriated themselves. We analyze some visions of the alleged “eruptions” or “acts of rebellion” from the point of view of the authorities and governmental actors, as well as the role young people's actions are playing from our point of view.