An important scientific objective for all landfill operations should be to collect data of this kind over a long enough time base so that useful interpretations could be made regarding the evolutionary life cycle of a landfill. The landfill team included technical expertise in the persons of an engineer, a biologist-chemist, and a geologist. Through their efforts, the town dump was converted to a sanitary landfill with an approved permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. Runoff from the landfill and also groundwater effluent as seeps or springs will discharge into the nearest stream. The weathered shale excavated from the trenches was also stockpiled, and these materials were used as needed for cover material within the trenches and for the final landfill cover. Water-quality data for the stream collected on the same time interval as that for stream discharge reveal that the stream is relatively unaffected by its proximity to the landfill.