In this chapter, the author checked in with Kilroy by email at the close of 2019 and again in January 2020 regarding possible updates to this interview. Kilroy has published two excerpts from the novel-in-progress, “After the Fight”, which appeared in Winter Papers 2, and “From Darling” , which was published in Reading the Future: New Writing from Ireland. Despite Kilroy's doubts regarding her ability to recapture the creativity of her pre-baby days, the excerpts that have appeared from Darling duplicate the precision with which her highly structured previous novels convey what she terms her favored theme of emotional chaos. Indeed, what Kilroy mourns as a regrettable delay in finishing Darling will, ultimately, testify to the truth of its theme of the personal and professional hiatus that motherhood-as currently constituted in late capitalist Ireland-forces upon women. Darling promises to be a very important novel. It will be well worth the wait.