This chapter challenges the common ‘givens’ of education, and presents a case for a re-think on what it means to be educated, and how best to do that. Acknowledging that there are already many examples of good practice on which to build, we consider what students need to learn to have broad competencies in a rapidly changing world, teaching approaches that maintain optimal motivation and engagement, and the impact of the learning environment on all stakeholders, including students who challenge. The chapter emphasises the importance of positive practices and wellbeing at the heart of education, to ensure that every student sees themselves as valued, making progress, and having a sense of belonging. This includes strengths-based approaches. It argues for less ‘teaching to test’ and more personalised and collaborative learning. During COVID-19 the multiple skills of teachers were given a new respect as families tried to support learning at home. Although the role of the teacher is likely to change over time, they remain vital facilitators of learning.