Since the inception of The University of the West Indies (UWI) in 1948, the problem of funding has remained a major challenge facing its operation and viability. Even with an 80/20% funding policy arrangement between regional governments and students, respectively, the problem persists. This chapter explores the funding practices at the a) regional governments or the macro level, b) university-wide or the meso level, and c) campus or the micro level. At the university-wide and campus levels, the chapter examines the efforts being made to reduce reliance on governments’ contributions by implementing both cost-cutting measures and income-generating activities to increase earnings. In addition, the chapter introduces the STEM option as a complementary strategy for The UWI’s renewal effort and for the region’s economic transformation. In concluding, the chapter points to the fact that with a greater emphasis on income-earning activities at the meso or The UWI level and the micro level by the campuses, the ground is being laid for strengthening the autonomy and independence of The UWI as it prepares to become a major international university.