The large-group rehearsal can be the most efficient setting to educate band students and build the total program, assuming the director offers a structured environment, effective feedback, positivity in the delivery of criticism, and a wide variety of results-driven activities that are engaging to students. This chapter provides rehearsal strategies designed to reap results through successful student-centered activities that are refreshing, motivating, and innovative. Chosen in accordance with the “I DoWe DoYou Do” sequence, the material is designed to promote students’ independence as musicians; the major sections of the chapter offer dozens of tips, activities and strategies in logical groups. There are especially engaging rehearsal strategies, which become even more effective when students enjoy the process. Therefore, this chapter provides a vast collection of ideas designed to maximize student-engagement in all components of the rehearsal. Beyond the “Macro-Micro-Macro” style, the chapter discusses silent rehearsals, modeling, emotional connections, creative conducting approaches, and special activities (e.g. games, diversions, “bopping,” special listening activities, “structured chaos,” isolation, and guidance training directors how to rehearse multiple excerpts simultaneously). This chapter supports the notion that singing is important to effective instruction, offering an ample collection of strategies to employ singing in band rehearsals.