Throughout its history, Chinese military modernization and technological development have benefited significantly from the transfer and acquisition of foreign technologies. The PLA is now at the center of global attention for its deployment of advanced fighters, missiles, ships, and other capabilities. Initially heavily reliant upon the procurement and reverse-engineering of foreign weapons systems and defense technologies, today it appears to be transforming into a force capable of indigenous innovation. We trace the primary phases China has passed through including foreign military sales and acquisitions, and talent acquisition, to chart a trajectory toward becoming a “world-class military” (世界一流军队). For the PLA, IP theft and targeting of, for example, foreign avionics, aeroengines, and semiconductors, is not necessarily contradictory with simultaneously investing in original innovation in other fields. The PRC’s approach to innovation remains highly pragmatic, characterized by the juxtaposition of strengths and weaknesses. The road ahead remains long.