In order to contour Performance Philosophy in terms of a philosophy of media/mediality, this chapter aims to reflect the relationship between medium and mediality. It shows that this relationship can be revealed as a relation of affects and thinking. The question of what a medium is, is approached from three angles: in terms of its function as an in-between (meta), as poiesis or bringing forth (dia), and as affect and affectivity. The article focuses on the following three perspectives. First: creation. In this part, the text approaches the realm of the performative and the medial as the manner in which something appears as something through something. Second: the body as a medium, with references to Marina Abramović and Jean-Luc Nancy. Here, the body is addressed as the spacing of space that provides the interaction of the image and the body, matter and meaning, sense and sensing and is thus a medium in itself. Third: mediality in the objectified world, regarding the Western tradition as well as glimpsing at an intercultural horizon.