This chapter is primarily based on Wroe’s youth work experience, in particular his work with young Muslims in East Lancashire, England. Although the main focus of this chapter is on creating safe spaces in which an open and honest dialogue can take place, the chapter covers a number of themes and issues including radicalisation processes where under determining extremist expression in the UK’s Prevent strategy, Wroe is critical of the application of the term ‘fundamental British values’ as this can stigmatise Muslimism. Focussing on education establishments, Wroe examines the impact of the statutory duty under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 to protect persons who are vulnerable to being drawn towards terrorism. He argues that this can fetter the open and honest dialogue as young people are frightened of discussing extremism for fear of being referred to authorities linked with Prevent. As stated, the main focus of this chapter is on the benefits of creating and maintaining safe spaces in education establishments that allow not only an open discussion on issues related to extremism but also allow views expressed to be challenged with a counter-narrative sensitively in a constructive manner.