This chapter relates to Internal Family Systems consultation of therapists working with perpetrators as well as victims of sexual abuse and the challenges those therapists face, which include inadequate training, personal wounding around sexuality, and mixed cultural messages. Through a presentation of the steps of consultation using the IFS model, the chapter emphasizes the importance of collaboratively bringing unconscious parts into consciousness for both the consultant and the consultee. This improves the consultee’s use of the IFS model and, in turn, better facilitates the goal of client improvement. The chapter describes how consultation both contrasts with therapy and corresponds with it when working therapeutically with activated therapists’ parts – both young managers and exiles – when working with these difficult topics. Detailed clinical case vignettes are included. Finally, this chapter shows how consultant and consultee unblending from and speaking for parts helps both have more Self-energy available for the client, thus increasing the efficacy of the therapy.