Most people yearn to form meaningful bonds with others. More than a fleeting desire, though, social connectedness represents a fundamental human need, as demonstrated by a growing body of empirical evidence. Social isolation, by contrast, predisposes individuals to increased premature mortality and serious morbidity. Because of its harmful consequences, social isolation denotes one of the most serious social problems of our age, alarmingly during a global pandemic. Nevertheless, event management remains silent on this matter. As people seek to build meaningful connections with others, events offer a potential option for lonely people to connect with others face-to-face or virtually to experience a sense of belonging, if only momentarily. This chapter argues event management needs to focus more attention on the issue of social isolation and loneliness. With this in mind, it focuses on what we know about social isolation and loneliness, the importance of face-to-face contact in the context of health and well-being, and the potential of events as solutions to this serious complex social problem.