Modern Buddhist thinkers in different countries have re-interpreted and even reconstructed Buddhism in response to different issues concerning religion. Some of them argued that Buddhism is not a religion at all or that if it is a religion, as it is non-dogmatic, it is superior to other religions. Although traditionally Buddhism is divided into many sects, some modern Buddhist thinkers try to develop a non-sectarian approach to it. Some of them bring out the scientific temper in Buddhism. Some of them argue that Buddhism is a secular religion as it focuses on realization and liberation in this life itself. Similarly, the modern elements in Buddhism such as Protestantism, democratization, gender equality and affinity to Marxism are bought out by some modern Buddhist thinkers. The chapter by referring to the views of Anagarika Dharmapala, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, Thich Nhat Hanh, HH the Dalai Lama, Sangharakshita and others on the above issues, brings out the continuity of Ambedkar’s interpretation of Buddhism with their views. It also shows how Ambedkar’s approach to Buddhism becomes different from that of others, how he looked at the Buddha as a critic of Brahmanism in general and of the caste system in particular.