The multiple crises stalking the third millennium— including Covid-19, migration and forced displacement, terrorism and religious intolerance, climate change, the failure of neoliberalism, and the establishment of tyrannical political and media formations all over the world—have precipitated a climate of profound social and cultural instability and trauma. The global scope of the collection embraces theatre practice in geographically diverse regions; from Lebanon to China to Venezuela to Spain and Greece to the United States, these artists share their insights on how the cultural consciousness and policies of entire nations have been affected by the pandemic, global war, and political instability. Raddatz claims that with a new conception of earth, the Gaia hypothesis, our planet moves to center as an actor and quasi-subject and invites us to reflect on an ecological theatre located on border that runs between the planetary and the social as analogous to the site of tragedy in ancient Greece between the powers of nature and the polis.