This chapter analyzes the new aesthetic paradigms that emerged in Spain after the 15M revolt of 2011 regarding themes, forms and artistic processes, and attempts to relate a story of Spanish theatre in the last decade from feminist, decolonial, anticapitalist perspectives and a geo-political delocalised position. It examines four shows: Before the Shrapnel, a theater of images performance directed by Ana Vallés, Become a banker. Black cards, everything they wanted to hide from you, a data, verbatim and open source theatre directed by Simona Levy, Madremanya, an intercultural happening directed by Beatriz Santiago and Operation Legazpix, a postmodern popular party directed by Laura Corcuera. Created in Madrid, Galicia and Catalonia, the shows are about precarity and political corruption but also about resistance, people's empowerment, political and artistic strategies and celebration.