Marijuana usage and legalization at both medical and recreational levels continue to evolve and change in America, as does public sentiment toward its use. Although marijuana use continues to be illegal at the federal level in America, state and local employers are confronted with growing issues of employment and hiring dilemmas regarding applicants’ or employees’ past or current marijuana use, whether it is medical or recreational in legal states. This predicament extends to police officer employment. A review of pertinent literature describes the current climate of the legalization of marijuana, as well as public sentiment toward prior or continuing use and how this has altered federal, city, and state guidelines for new hires and well as current employee expectations. Arguments for and against both medical and recreational marijuana prior use is explored, with the application of theoretical approaches from the field of public administration to the relaxing of drug hiring protocols for police officers considering the changing legislation on marijuana use and regulations. A local large police department in Arizona’s second-largest city, Mesa, has recently changed policy regulations on marijuana usage for new hires and is explored for understanding this complex and changing issue.