The dissection techniques used in adult forensic autopsies, or medicolegal autopsies, do not differ significantly from those used in hospital autopsies. However, when performing a forensic autopsy, it is also important to gather evidence that may later be of forensic relevance in a judicial trial. Meanwhile, a technician should prepare the identification cards to be included in every autopsy photograph; otherwise, the validity of the photographs might be challenged in court. If right-handed, the autopsy pathologist should stand on the right of the corpse, or on the left if left-handed. The autopsy study was carried out by anatomical layers. An autopsy was performed to confirm or exclude any malpractice claim. A complete autopsy examination of the abdominal–pelvic region cannot be performed without the examination of the large retroperitoneal vessels, such as the abdominal aorta, with its two branches, and the inferior vena cava with the two vessels that form it.