The pandemic of unwanted loneliness is tackled in this chapter from the perspective of social work, analysing its factors and proposing professional strategies to solve this reality suffered by many people.

The greatest poverty of this century in societies where, paradoxically, we are more connected and at the same time more dehumanised, is loneliness. Analysing diverse circumstances and adverse situations that some people experience, the aim of the chapter is to analyse some categories present in the lives of people who feel isolated and unable to overcome an unwanted situation and to propose alternatives based on collaborative communication and information and communications technology (ICTs).

Social networks, as a facilitating element of digital social work, have to address digital and relational illiteracy. The central core of intervention is to create, reconstitute, and strengthen ties between people.

Starting from the capacity of the person, the social worker focuses on a process of improving the quality of life and facilitating a better civic coexistence by identifying creative and innovative strategies based on very practical and achievable objectives.

A central theme of this chapter proposes that the humanised community is the reflection of a transformation with social and technological tools favouring prevention, autonomy, and the common good.