Artificial intelligence (AI) is part of our daily life. It helps us in many ways, doing repetitive or dangerous tasks, in the treatment of diseases or the reduction of mortality in traffic accidents. All these positive developments have their risks in the face of the threat of the power of machines and algorithms over people's lives.

This is the context in which the debate about the ethics of AI takes place. It is important to establish ethical criteria that promote reliable AI at the service of humanity.

This chapter presents the aspects of the debate surrounding the ethics of AI supported by international organisations, through the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and by the European Commission. It then proceeds to describe the convergence in terms of ethical principles that guide AI and the principles of Social Work. The third section analyses the ethical issues raised in relation to two fields of AI application: social networks and assistance robots. Finally, through open reflection, the contributions that Social Work can make in the field of ethical AI are presented.