In this chapter, we unpack the narrative logic of conspiracy theories about Europe formulated according to a simplistic trajectory of causes and effects. The conspiracy theory ‘black box’ contains two intertwined narrative strands intended to provide both rational explanations and moral judgments concerning existential crises affecting the continent over the last decade. Due to their explanatory potential, conspiracy theories are easily integrated into the news cycles of traditional media, fused with the agenda-setting potential and virality of social media. Moreover, offering a black-and-white and anti-establishment narrative, conspiracy theories are compatible with the populist style of politics favouring simple solutions over complex decision-making processes informed by expertise. Since conspiracy theories about Europe are fuelled by existential fears, people tend to embrace authoritarian rule as an alternative to deliberative democracy and the checks and balances of the rule of law. Perplexingly, conspiracy theories about Europe are expressed in terms of a contradictory dualism between absolute power and absolute weakness, a dualism assuming mythical dimensions. Interpreted as political myths of Europe, these theories assume a function in complex processes of identification. During the COVID-19 pandemic, dystopian conspiracy theories have led to the formation of new coalitions and realigned political preferences among European electorates with hitherto unpredictable consequences.