Lectures Published 1886-7 to 1913-148

9J.S. Nicholson, ‘The Effects of Great Discoveries of the Precious Metals’ (1886-7)

J.M. McCandlish, ‘Accountants and Actuaries: the Work of the Actuary’ (1886-7)

J.A. Robertson, ‘Life Assurance’ (1888-9)

R.B. Haldane, ‘The Reform of the Law of Joint-Stock Companies’ (1888-9)

G.J. Hutton, ‘On Auditing Commercial and Company Books’ (1888-9)

W. Graham, ‘Recent Demand in London for Gold and for Money’ (1888-9)

E.T. Salvesen, ‘Bills of Lading’ (1888-9)

G.M. Law, ‘On the Tests by Which a Life Assurance Office May be Judged’ (1889-90)

w.C. Smith, ‘The Legal Interests of Married Women’ (1889-90)

T.G. Dickson, ‘Factorships’ (1889-90)

F.W. Pixley, ‘The Investigation of the Accounts of Commercial Undertakings Previous to Their Conversion into Public Companies’ (1889-90)

J.B. Nicholson, ‘Valuation and Rating of Property’ (1890-1)

F. More, ‘Goodwill’ (1890-1)

C.R.A. Howden, ‘The Duties and Responsibilities of Gratuitous Trustees’ (1890-1)

F.W. Carter, ‘Trust and Judicial Investment Under the Trusts (Scotland) Act 1884, and Under Decisions of the Court of Session as at 1 January 1890’ (1890-1)

A. Drummond, ‘On the Mode of Conducting an Audit’ (1891-3)

J. Muir, ‘A Chat About Accounting’ (1891-3)

T.P. Laird, ‘Trust and Executry Accounts: Their Preparation and Audit’ (1891-3)

A.H.B. Constable, ‘National Insurance’ (1891-3)

T.A. Welton, ‘Some Suggestions as to Amending the Companies Acts’ (1891-3)

M.C. McEwan, ‘Income Tax’ (1891-3)

J.L. Mounsey, ‘The Law of Heritable Securities’ (1891-3)

J.G. Watson, ‘The Consideration of Securities for Loans’ (1891-3)

E.H. Macmillan, ‘Some Notes on the Silver Question’ (1891-3)

J. Howden, ‘The Profession: A Retrospect’ (1893-4)

R. Brown, ‘Recent Proposed Legislation Relating to the Profession’ (1893-4)

J. Stuart, ‘On the Realisation of Estates in Bankruptcy’ (1893-4)

C.G. MacRae, ‘Some Anomalies in Railway Law’ (1893-4)

W.A.A. Balfour, ‘Powers of a Company with Reference to Purchasing its Own Shares’ (1893-4)

J. Wilson, ‘Cautionary Obligations’ (1893-4)

R. Collie, ‘The Working of the English and Scottish Bankruptcy Laws Compared’ (1893-4)

G. McRae, ‘Some Aspects of Municipal Finance’ (1893-4)

W.C. Maughan, ‘Indian Banking and Currency’ (1894-5)

J. Cormack, ‘Notes on the Mercantile Marine of Great Britain, France, and Italy’ (1894-5)

G. Lisle, ‘Solicitors Book-keeping’ (1894-5)

A. Oliver, ‘The Death Duties’ (1894-5)

P.C. Robertson, ‘Public and Parochial Burdens’ (1894-5)

G.W. Burnet, ‘The Reconstruction of Companies’ (1894-5)

K.M. Gourley, ‘Bank Auditing’ (1894-5)

J. Haldane, ‘Proposed Amendments of Company Law’ (1895-6)

10T.J. Millar, ‘References, Remits, and Proofs in Scotland’ (1895-6)

J.G. Craggs, ‘Agreement of Trial Balances Simplified and Secured by a New Method’ (1895-6)

G. Rorie, ‘Registration of Transfers and Other Documents Produced to a Company’ (1895-6)

R. Munro, ‘A Sketch of the English Law of Bankruptcy from the Point of View of the Official Receiver’ (1895-6)

J. Paterson, ‘Defalcations’ (1895-6)

J. Mann, ‘Notes on Cost Records: A Neglected Branch of Accountancy’ (1895-6)

W. Hunter, ‘Trade Marks’ (1896-8)

A. Guild, ‘The Management of Agricultural Estates’ (1896-8)

F. Begg, ‘Limited Liability Company Reform’ (1896-8)

J. Wilson, ‘Minor Commercial Insolvencies’ (1896-8)

W.W. Robertson, ‘Some Disputed Points in Compensation Under the Land Clauses Consolidation Act’ (1896-8)

R. Blyth, ‘War-Shares and Commerce’ (1898-9)

J.C. Lorimer, ‘Accountants in Their Relation to Public Companies’ (1898-9)

J. Cathles, ‘A Glimpse at the Internal Organisation of a Railway Company’ (1898-9)

C. Ker, ‘Depreciation’ (1899-1900)

J.J. Cook, ‘The Personal Liability of Trustees and Judicial Factors’ (1899-1900)

E. Crewdson, ‘Amalgamations’ (1900-1)

W. Hunter, ‘Goodwill’ (1900-1)

F. More, ‘Goodwill’ (1900-1)

W.C. Smith, ‘Dividends and Capital’ (1901-2)

W.H. Walker, ‘History and Causes of the Bank Crises in Newfoundland and the Isle of Man’ (1901-2)

R.S. Sharpe, ‘Some Points on Apportionment’ (1902-3)

T. Dingwall, ‘Distillery Accounting’ (1902-3)

J.A. Robertson-Durham, ‘Liquidation of Public Limited Liability Companies (1902-3)

R. Brown, ‘The Form of Revenue Accounts and Balance Sheets, and the Use of Percentages in Connection Therewith’ (1903-4)

G.A. Touch, ‘Accountants’ Investigations in Connection with the Flotation and Consolidation of Businesses Under the Limited Liability Acts’ (1903-4)

J. Allan, ‘Income Tax Law and Practice’ (1904-5)

T.B. Morison, ‘Stockbrokers’ Contracts’ (1904-5)

F. Tod, ‘Cost Accounts’ (1904-5)

A. Clapperton, ‘The Books and Accounts of Investment Companies, and Their Audit’ (1904-5)

R. Jackson, ‘The Valuation of Public Undertakings in Scotland for Assessment Purposes’ (1905-6)

J. Watt, ‘Some Points in Ranking’ (1905-6)

A.B. Clark, ‘The High Bank Rate’ (1906-7)

G.W. Edmonds, ‘Brewery Accounts’ (1906-7)

A.M. Hamilton, ‘Negotiable Instruments’ (1906-7)

T.J. Millar, ‘References, Remits, and Proofs in Scotland’ (1907-8)

G.N. Stuart, ‘Rating of Land Values’ (1907-8)

11J. Leishroan, ‘Town Finance’ (1907-8)

G.W. Richmond, ‘British and Foreign Insurance Methods’ (1907-8)

J.B. Wardhaugh, ‘The Legal Limitations of an Auditor’s Duties and Responsibilities’ (1908-9)

M. Macdonald, ‘Shipping Accounts’ (1908-9)

C.F. Whigham, ‘Town Council Audits’ (1908-9)

H.W. Haldane, ‘The Examination of Securities’ (1909-10)

D.E. Wallace, ‘Building Societies’ (1909-10)

J.S. Gowans, ‘Trust Deeds and Deeds of Arrangement’ (1910-11)

R. Brown, ‘The Duties of a Secretary’ (1910-11)

T.S. Thomson, ‘The Practice of the Stock Exchange’ (1911-12)

A.W. Tait, ‘Reconstruction of Limited Liability Companies’ (1911-12)

T.P. Laird, ‘Trust Accounts and Apportionment of Dividends’ (1912-13)

J. Leishman, ‘The National Health Insurance Act, 1911, so far as Affecting Professional Classes’ (1912-13)

J. Allan, ‘Income Tax, With Special Reference to Recent Legislation’ (1912-13)

W. Vickers, ‘Company Registration’ (1913-14)

J.B. Wardhaugh, ‘States for Settlement with Beneficiaries in Cases of Testacy and Intestacy’ (1913-14)

T. Cumming, ‘Land Tenure in Relation to Trade, Commerce, and Finance’ (1913-14)