Francis More was born in Dundee on 31st March 1838. First with that colossal accounting performance, the liquidation of the City Bank, and afterwards with many other duties of less financial moment but of equal responsibility and intricacy committed to his firm, he became identified as an exponent of the special qualities which such affairs demand. He did not seek the contests of the profession—whether it was a fight for a large sequestration or liquidation, or the battlefield where accountants as skilled witnesses prove that figures can be made to prove anything. Mr More’s appointments were numerous, but his unobtrusiveness and devotion to his profession ensured that these were mostly of a professional character. Although a member of Augustine Congregational Church for over thirty years—attracted there by the preaching of Dr Lindsay Alexander—he repeatedly declined office in the church, contenting himself with discharging gratuitously the duties of Treasurer of the Edinburgh Auxiliary of the London Missionary Society.