In the Jerusalem Post International Edition of Oct. 10—16 1982, two separate stories perfectly illustrated how incredible, impossible, and unthinkable to our “leaders” is the prospect of living in a free and independent Jewish state. It is ironical that American-Jewish liberals are troubled by a sense of conflicting or “dual” loyalties at precisely the time when the presidency of this country is occupied by a man whom they have long hated with a passion that they nowadays reserve for Menachem Begin. The Jews who now blame the Lebanese War or Israel's famous "intransigence" for their own discomforts in American society are the spiritual successors of countless Jews in many generations who have blamed anti-Semitic outbreaks not on the anti-Semites but on their victims. Those American Jews who compound their guilt with the rationalization that they remain physically outside of, and ethically superior to, Israel because of their devotion to world betterment and pure justice remind of the young man.