The interest stems from a constant and abiding concern with the problems raised by Dr. Tabory. The disappointment flows from his very limited perceptions of the history of at least the Reform Movement in Israel and the peculiar sampling of opinions and documentation which he has assembled. The Reform and Conservative Movements in Israel have, in current government coalition, their most implacable foes and opponents. The establishment of the Hebrew Union College Synagogue, with its indigenous service, has served as the spiritual center for Progressive Judaism in Israel, and continues to do so. Thousands of Israelis and non- Israelis alike have worshipped within its walls, participating in religious services that are read from Siddurim and Mahzorim especially written for College’s services in Jerusalem. If Conservative Judaism, as well as Reform, is not to remain a flash phenomenon of first generation of immigrants, it will have to secure stronger foundations than now exist with respect to its future growth and development.