Projections for the accumulated amounts of LWR spent fuel show there is a need for more storage capacity, and research is under way to improve the old storage technologies and develop new ones. At present, wet-storage facilities are the most common, but several types of dry-storage facility are under development; these are discussed and the advantages and disadvantages of dry storage outlined. Until now the most common approach has been to store spent fuel in at-reactor storage pools, but more away-from-reactor (AFR) facilities are being planned to cope with the spent fuel storage problem. The USA is considering various alternatives in order to increase storage capacity, but details regarding additional AFR capacity have not been settled. FR Germany is planning an AFR facility at Aahaus. France is constructing more AFR storage facilities to be integrated with existing and new reprocessing facilities. Sweden is planning an LWR-AFR facility to be located at Simpevarp; a special ship is being planned for sea transport of spent fuel.