This chapter discusses social technologies, or those technologies that directly target us as social beings. These technologies aim at emptying the two main foundations of social life, both animated by charis, the Greek word meaning benevolence, kindness and gift-giving, central to Greek culture: family and friendship. Technology replaces such substantial connections with an absence, as technology promotes a loose way of life, inciting a frenzied desire of wanting to be something that what one is not. It produces an alteration from charis towards each other as a mutually shared pleasure, producing a perverted world without sympathy to others. Technology is a mode of thinking based on negation, a profound disbelief in generation, animated by a vicious zeal for destruction, now denaturalising, then renaturalising, but always depriving any living entity of charis. Such transformations are cumulative, building layer after layer on each other, as a result of which even the problems technology itself creates can only be imagined as solvable through further technological progress. This absented new way of life has a genealogy, a torturous past that can be witnessed in the archaeological and anthropological record. Technology is not a neutral tool, but an invasive and transformative end of life that brings a literal Hell onto Earth. A prime example of this is communication technology, starting with journals and continuing, in an ever-increasing spiralling manner, through various psycho-media, connecting everyone but only by disconnecting all real ties and gobbling up meaningful life, on the basis of electromagnetic operations.