This chapter argues that technology, rather than being a neutral tool in the service of humanity, today proliferates as a parasitical, even predatory growth, actively engaged in the conquest of the social sphere. This proliferation of technology comes at the price of our attention and presence, and its consequences are a loss of freedom and of humanity. The chapter analyses how technology has turned from an inert tool to a self-feeding parasitical growth, increasingly demanding our attention and presence through technologies of distraction and a sensual approach made possible because we have forfeited social relations to its mediation. Since nature, humanity and technology share the same ecosystem, the growth and decadence of each are intimately connected and inversely proportional. We tend to believe that nature has been a victim of humans, but this is only indirectly true, as at a closer look at our last two centuries, we can see that we are both, humanity and nature, increasingly just servants to technology.