In 1966 the analysis of mollusca, charcoal and industrial residues was not yet well established in later medieval archaeology. Although material was recovered by the ex c(nwtor, the samples taken on site for palaeoenvironmental study were very small by comparison with sample sizes considered to be good practice today and they were not proposed for further study in the 1980s when the main post-excavation progiumme was underway. Their existence is cursorily noted below by Lawrence Butler. On the other hand, faunal remains were recovered in quantity, but remained unwashed and unstudied. For this chapter the assembhw from Croft 29 1966 has been examined for the first time by Louisa Gidney and she contributes a section on her findings. Only the remains from the 1966 excavations were studied as part of this publication project because the stratigraphy and dating evidence from the other sites had been found to be less secure.