This chapter examines the Nehruvian approach to understand the present Asian security scenario and how Jawaharlal Nehru’s vision of Asian solidarity and building relations on the basis of Panchsheel have guided India’s policy formulations to challenges and opportunities emanating from the new Asian realities. In the twenty-first century, Asia has emerged as the pivotal region in the realm of international security configuration. International power politics has shifted its sphere to Asia. Undoubtedly, Association of South-East Asian Nations has emerged as the core of the Asian security and stability. It has accommodated all the major powers of the Asia-Pacific region. It has truly promoted multilateral processes for Asia-Pacific security and development. India has adopted a non-interventionist policy towards the countries of South-East Asia very much in accordance with Nehruvian faith in Panchsheel. Its policy towards the region is based on shared goals, and like-minded objectives and principles.