Based on Luke’s presentation of ‘Autopia’ (a vision for autistic acceptance and belonging in a future dimension), this chapter introduces the author’s statement: ‘My hypothesis is that there is a pervasive and invidious pattern of thought, behaviour, and belief that is at the heart of a societal “norm” that is, in effect, destroying autistic lives’; identifies various components of autistic existence that appear to be common (current) experiences; and elaborates on some areas of practice that could change in order to reduce harm to autistic children and adults, and redress the (im)balance that appears to be the status quo. From the mini poem – ‘conform to the norm … or be deemed in the wrong …’ onwards, the chapter firmly roots itself in direct contrast to the medical model of disability and identifies that the myriad problems faced by autistic people are not as an outcome of being autistic per se, but often (usually) through lack of knowledge, understanding, acceptance, willingness to listen, and change. Concepts such as ‘inclusion’ are critiqued in favour of Luke’s preferred goal – the autistic quality of life. Education, autistic sociality, and employment are just some of the areas that the chapter will discuss, along with Luke’s ‘three golden rules’ that he promotes as a way of working towards autistic well-being for the future.

Keywords: autism, inclusion, utopia, vision, future