This chapter delineates the sort of consciousness that, according to Edmund Husserl, can see something “in” an image. It elaborates the different senses of temporality with regard to images, and clarifies how image-consciousness can be understood as consciousness of an event rather than of an isolated point in time. Based on this clarification, the chapter develops the suspected atemporality of images in terms of the omnitemporality of certain ideal objects, and considers the transitional temporality of images. No mode of appearance of a cinematic image appears detached from the other modes, and in this particular sense cinematic image-consciousness is closer to recollection than to static image-consciousness. Husserl shows that phantasy and image-consciousness belong to the same kind of act and can therefore constitute a temporal continuum. The exclusion of the phantasy continuations from the “being” of the depiction, however, calls for phenomenological clarification.